Indsendt af Morten Harboe den 12.6.2018
Evelina, lægestuderende i Litauen, som NØRK støtter med scholarship og mange af os mødte i juni 2018 har sendt ny mail med beskrivelse af sit studieforløb. Se nedenfor.....

22 oktober 2018 mail:

".. even I could not do my practises in full strengh I really enjoyed them and learned a lot. For instance I assisted many various surgeries during practise of surgery. While doing practice in psychiatry I've learned to handle with the toughests patients and I also found out much information about drugs and their side effects from patients perspective. So it was really useful experience. Anyway, I loved both surgery and psychiatry fields, so I still can not decide which I like more.

Maybe working in psychiatry is more fun. I really get along well with patients and I get information quite easily. Of course it takes much time with these people. But eventually they tell me everything because they trust me as a friend. So doctors appreciated my work on that because I helped them with medication appointments (I knew all patients who hid their pills :) so we had to change some strategies ) . Mental patients are really wonderful poets. They showed me many letters and poems that they were writing for their friends and family. They were really impressive and well written.

In other hand, I was doing really good in surgeries too. My surgeon was a great teacher. He explained me everything that he was doing, was asking me many questions during surgeries and testing my knowledge in many fields. I answered correctly most of questions, so we became friends quite fast. So under this pressure I learnt a lot. Well I don't know much about work culture in Scandinavian countries, but here, in Lithuania, it's hard to be a female surgeon. Some of them told me their stories and those were not nice ones. Of course this kind of job requires stamina, but it is even harder when you have to prove something that you shouldn't for some oldman with the beard. During my first days staff was always thinking that I am a nurse and mocking me that I even try to assist but my surgeon always stood up for me and didn't let anyone mock me just because I am not a fat guy with a beard. Of course after some time when everyone saw, that I am good at what I do and I am not some stupid blonde as they thought in the beginning, they took me seriously. Other guy who was doing practise with me never had this kind of issue. I hope that in Scandinavia this kind of behavior is not justified. So at the beginning I didn't enjoy this kind of work environment but later on it was good and what is the most important - I feel quite strong in this field by my knowledge.


I also work on a publication with some other girls about optic illusions and schizophrenia. We hope that it will be published to one of scientific journals. Optic neurophysiology is quite hard to understand, but if we do it good, we might get it published, there is a big chance."


12. juni 2018 mail uddrag:

"My academic year is coming to the end and only one exam left so far. The average of grades should be 8.4 and it is so much better than last year. I wanted to thank you for your help. It was easier to reach that goal. By the way, on July I am going to practice in surgery and on August in psychiatry. Both practises are in my hometown, so I will also save some money."