Karyna takker for klubbens 1 års ICC Scholarship

Indsendt af Morten Harboe den 2.7.2021
I am writing to tell you that I have finally finished Vilnius Academy of Arts in interior design and got my diploma on June 18th!
Everything went very well, my final bachelor project "Outdoor educational and play spaces" was about designing a children's playground that would help kids under 6 yo. be more independent, develop their imagination!
I am very proud of the accomplished result and sending you a little part of the project and a photo from the graduation celebration- I'm on the right)
Thank you again for the amazing opportunity of awarding me with the ICC scholarship, it really gave me a big push to study harder and perceive my dreams!

Kind regards,

Foto og 19MB fil med en af Karynas afsluttende opgaver "Outdoor educational and play spaces" er modtaget af MH. Der er et enkelt afsnit med intro på engelsk i opgave. Resten er Litauisk.....

Karyna intro