Årsmødet gennemføres virtuelt den 4. juni, hvor den første session er en midnatsforestilling, som nogle af os kendte det fra ungdommens biografer.
Se beskrivelse og tilmelding nedenfor.
WASH-RAG Virtual Summit 13 – with simultaneous translation
Thursday, June 3rd 6 – 8 pm CDT (11 pm – 1 am GMT) (English, Spanish, Portuguese)
Friday June 4th, 10 am – 12 pm CDT (3 – 5 pm GMT) (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese)
The 2019 WHO/UNICEF report on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities (HCFs) outlined the stark inadequacy of WASH services in HCFs around the world, especially in least developed countries. Access to safe WASH is required to prevent and control infections, and ensure safe treatment of patients, staff and families, especially in this time of covid.
Learn about WASH in HCFs and what your club can do to help address this critical issue.
More information and registration is available at WASH-RAG.org